How to download torrent file much faster

In this article, I'll show you how to download torrent files fast, and I'll show you how to use VPN, which is the easiest way to do it.


Long time no see, everyone. It's a Rock. Recently, I've been staying at home and watching youtube. The various torrent files help me in such a lazy life. Thanks to the torrent file, you can download a lot of useful things. Well, I can't say it out loud, but there are a lot of things I need to do with Torrent File ... . So this time, I'd like to explain how to download such torrent files at high speed.

Downloading Torrents

You may love the torrent files, but if you download them normally, they may not be fast enough. The download speed is probably several tens of KB/s, as shown in the following image. Of course, my line is not so fast because it is several tens of Mbps when measured by, but even so, it is too slow.

The reason why the download speed is so slow is because it limits the bandwidth available on the router.
Now, you may think that you can get rid of the bandwidth limit from the router, but there is a possibility that it is not the router that is actually doing the bandwidth limit. So, this time, I'll talk about how to download torrent files easily and fast using free VPN.

Register at

First, you need to sign up for a free VPN. If you have already registered a VPN, you can skip it.
That's why I recommend as a free VPN. There is a limit of 2GB per month, but you can also use P2P communication with torrent files for free (except for VPN to the US) and unlimited bandwidth. You can register from this site, so if you are considering free VPN, please try it.

Setting up

Now that you've downloaded the application, let's set up the necessary settings to download it on the torrent. Incidentally, I'm using an application called Transmission to download torrent files, so there may be more settings required. If you don't need it, you can skip it. But there are really only two things you need to do: set up the VPN and fix the ports.

First, let's set up the VPN. This time I use a protocol called OpenVPN for the sake of stability. Please select OpenVPN from the VPN settings as follows.

And here's the important thing: fix the OpenVPN port. The port number can be anything, but let's use the default port number 3000.

This completes the configuration of the VPN side. Next, let's set up the client of the torrent file.

Configuring the torrent client

This time I will be using a torrent client called Transmission.
Please see this article for download instructions.
So, I will explain the necessary settings of Transmission.
First, let's open the Transmission settings and set up the Network section. But all you have to do is change the port. Let's change the value of the port that we set on the VPN side earlier and make sure that the port is open.

Now that you're ready to go, start your VPN and start downloading the torrents. Isn't the speed a few Mbps as shown below? It's about 100 times faster. I was surprised.

in the end

Now you can download the torrent files at high speed. If you use a torrenting client such as Transmission, you can download the files as they are, even after the download has been stopped. Have a good Trent life, then.

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